DALLAS—As we approach the beginning of a new year, we’d like to provide a few pieces of information that may be helpful in getting 2016 off to a great start.
First of all, many clubs consider replacing computers at the beginning of a new budget year, and that time is quickly approaching.  The TGA has some information and recommendations about Windows 10 and how it will affect your TPP software if you are not already using the online version.
If you are currently using TPP that is installed on a computer running a version of Windows, upgrading to Windows 10 will not impact your TPP software in any way.  If you have any trouble starting up the program after your upgrade, please contact Shona DeMint (214-468-8942 ext. 151) for assistance.
However, if you are purchasing a new computer, please know that the TPP software will not install on a Windows 10 operating system.  If you plan to acquire a new computer running Windows 10, please contact Shona DeMint before you get rid of your old computer with the TPP software installed.  She will assist you in saving your database, tournament, scorecards and all of the reports you have saved.  At that point, she will set you up to use the online version of TPP and provide training to get you up and running quickly.  This is a web-based program that does not require installation on a computer, and can be access from anywhere you can access the internet.
Secondly, many of you have already heard about changes the USGA has made to the Handicapping System that will take effect on January 1st.  A complete list of the changes can be found here.  The issue that has caused the most confusion and concern is the new rule that prohibits golfers from posting scores to their handicap record if the round is played alone.  This is a significant change in approach that is intended to provide for greater peer review in handicapping records, and more closely align our procedures with golf associations across the globe as golf moves toward establishing a World Handicap System in the future.  To review FAQ on this issue, please click here.
Finally, please remember to take a look at your GHIN roster as we approach the deadline before annual billing.  Your roster will be final and you will be billed for all of the active members on your roster on March 1, 2016.  Please make sure your roster is accurate and up to date no later than February 28, 2016 at 11:00 Central time.
Thank you again for your support for the TGA and golf in Texas.  We wish you all the very best success in 2016.